Grace Space
Grace Space
Creating Spaces We Want to Live and Lead In (3c Living and Leading)
Grace Space is about acknowledging the "spaces within and spaces between us" to give honor and offer courteous goodwill as we commit to being fair and honest. I offer seven practices around Grace Space that provide the tools we need to get there.Share

No one is born a great leader. It takes time and experience and intentional work. A leader becomes great when they are put in hundreds of challenging situations and are forced to figure out the best course of action, not only for their team and the company as a whole but for the environments they influence. The world is hungry for more leaders who will do the right thing, model a positive response to conflict, and choose the path of fairness and accountability.
Grace Space is about acknowledging the "spaces within and spaces between us" to give honor and offer courteous goodwill as we commit to being fair and honest. I offer seven practices around Grace Space that provide the tools we need to get there. As leaders, it's about getting our hearts right so we can serve those we lead in ways that call out personal potential while also achieving high results.